
Progress in Summer

So far, I'm not really sure what I've been doing with my time throughout summer. I have been drawing and exploring various different media but I don't feel as though my practice has really been furthered by any of this. However, looking back on the end of year presentation we did (here), I feel as though my goals for level six might have changed slightly. 
I am still very much interested in product/packaging, however I am now at a point where I would like to explore publishing/books/zines a bit further. My experience with book illustrations last year wasn't as fun as I had hoped it would be, however I have stumbled upon adult colouring books, zines and comics that I'm really interested in. In a way, this is helping me to identify the kind of illustrator I'd like to be and who the audience would be - something I talked about in my end of module evaluation
Currently I am feeling a little bit lost with my practice and how I will be developing it through level 6. I think this is mostly due to change of routine and loss of momentum. It feels good to blog again and think about what I'm doing. 

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