
Adult Colouring Books & Level 6 Thoughts

On one of my regular trip to Waterstones to have a look at all the pretty book covers, I came across quite a few adult colouring books. I had never really considered that adults might like colouring too, so once at home, I did a bit of research and found they were quite popular. 

I think it would be really interesting to see how this type of publication would fit into my practice. I noticed that the majority of these colouring books were animal/nature related - which isn't all that interesting to me. 
However, I think it would be interesting to try and work this into my Extended Practice & Context of Practice work. As a lot of my work is inspired by feminism, I could try and make a somewhat feminist colouring book?  This would mean that I could explore issues relating to my CoP essay, work towards creating a publication with a target audience and play with things like layout, type and line. 

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