
Illustration Studios

To help give myself a bit of direction for this year, I've been looking at illustration agencies/studios. I've been trying to imagine how my practice might be similar to what they do but as a result, I just feel out of my depth and like I have a long way to go.

I think because my practice is at such an 'inbetween stage' (I feel like I've moved on from level 5 but I have no idea how my work will turn out this year), I've struggled to find design studios that I can really identify with. I found two that I really do like however!

Kindred Studio
Andrew Fairclough's work kind of reminds me of 60s horror movie/graphic novel aesthetic and the Crap Hound books.

Textile/pattern based design studio. It's been a while since I thought much about pattern design so it was good to remind myself that this is something I want to do.

Both studios are based in Sydney, so I doubt I'll be able to pay them a visit! I do want to contact them both however - I'll just have to email them. I want to come up with some good questions to ask but I can't think of anything right now! Super annoying. I find the thought of contacting professionals really intimidating - I know it sounds ridiculous and I really don't want to let my anxiousness get in my way this year.
Thinking back to the Big Heads talks we've had in the past, I can remember a few of the questions that were asked:

  • What inspires your work?
  • Can you describe your process when creating work, whether its personal or a set brief?
  • What advice would you give a young illustrator about to embark on their third and final year of university?
  • What do you think is important to do to keep your practice progressing?
I'm not really sure how many questions would be a good amount to send to someone?? I'd also kick myself if I forgot to ask about something, so I'm going to come back to this and make revisions before I send anything. 

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