
Annie Wu (Illustrator)

Annie Wu is one of the illustrators behind the new Black Canary comic. It was the vibrant cover art that made me buy the comic in the first place but I also really love the quality of lines she creates. I think a lot of it is created by using brushes/inks & pens, rather than purely digitally. The line quality gives a lot of her work movement and a kind of rough/edginess that I've been loving recently. This is something I want to try and refine within my own work. I tend to have a lot of trouble creating movement with lines and they end up looking too flat/stationary. 
Another thing that I think has attracted me to her work is her use of strong female characters. The line work helps give the characters an attitude and it reminds me of Babs Tarr's work.
One thing I have noted recently is that I am really interested in how female illustrators draw female characters in comics. Female anatomy in comics has been a point of discussion for quite some time now and has resulted in things such as the hawk eye initiative. I think that having more female illustrators in this industry who want to desexualise the female characters and banish their ridiculous poses/skin tight outfits is a good thing. I think it will encourage more people (such as myself) to show more of an interest in comics. 

Although I'm not sure how this really fits in with my practice, it is important to form opinions on the how things change within illustration and this could potentially inform my CoP & Extended practice work as I see it as a result of feminism. I would like to explore sequential images at some point during level 6. I never really enjoyed it before because I didn't know much about it nor was I interested in looking at it (specifically comics), but as I am finding more things that spike my interest, I am more inclined to explore further. 

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