
'What Next?'

So following the talk we had on Friday, I've decided this year that I really want to go to the Start Up Wednesdays programme. The sessions are based around the idea of being your own boss and will help you formulate some sort of plan, so that when you leave university, you aren't at a total loss for what to do next. I'd love to work for myself after uni, but the idea is terrifying because I have no idea how to go about getting work.

After having another flick through the leaflet, I'm thinking it might also be useful to go to the Career Track Tuesdays sessions too.. Initially I was put off because the first session is based around teaching and the application process. However, the programme also covers networking, post-graduate qualifications, presentation skills and selling work. These all sound like areas I could do with learning a bit more about.

I've filled out the booking form and so far it looks like every session will be relevant to the stuff I want to find out! Exciting stuff.

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