
Studio Brief 2 - The Illustrated Self

Female Link development
Although I feel like my process is currently getting a bit repetitive, it needs to be and I am noticing that I am already getting better at drawing face profiles.
My favorite part if this process is drawing the character in an action pose - it allows me to figure out how the clothes would fall on a female body rather than male. Once I have finished the majority of my early character developments, I'll be more rigorous with the poses. 
What I dislike about what I have produced so far are the colours. I really like using monochrome palettes but in this instance it wouldn't really work. I want to tone the colours down a little and add areas of shading and highlights. 
When I am drawing the characters in action poses, I will need to employ a lot of rigor to make it look like there's movement and work out which parts of the body to emphasize. 

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