
Final Presentation Boards Feedback/Reflection

I am so happy the presentations are over! I think the delivery of mine went alright, I'm just annoyed at myself for being so anxious! I have days when I just don't feel confident about my practice and unfortunately that was one of them. After seeing what everybody else is up to and their future plans however, I feel somewhat reassured that I'm on the right track.

A major turning point during the presentations for me was realising that I might not be an illustrator in the classical sense of the word.. My practice has different avenues and I suppose I had been trying to smush it all together to try and force it to all be the same type of work. This was silly but I now recognise that I have design based work which is kind of typography based, then there's my applied illustration which is decorative/pattern based and lastly, my personal work which is about drawing cute, sassy characters. Recognising this has made me consider how I might set out my website - perhaps I need three distinct sections? I could also have three sets of promotional material.

Feedback from the tutors was overall positive. I should have included more of my work because there were a couple of slides that just had text on which I probably didn't need. My branding was a success so I don't feel the need to change that too much before submission. I also spoke about setting up a professional blog which was definitely encouraged!  My only regret is letting my nervousness get the better of me because I think I left a lot of stuff out that I wanted to talk about - at least I'm a thorough blogger and it's all on here.

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