

Whilst getting a load of stuff ready for print, I decided to design some mailers to go with my business cards (and I hated the previous designs). I always struggle with this because I feel like there are two quite distinctive areas of my practice and I can't really get them to fit together.. But this is ok! It just means that I'll have to target clients with different material. One area of my practice is character based and I think that's what people follow me for on my social media - cute, sassy, edgy girls. On the other hand, I have my more design oriented work - pattern, lettering, packaging etc, which feels less like 'me' but I enjoy it nevertheless. I think it's important to show both of these areas of my practice in my portfolio but it might not always be appropriate. With these two mailer designs I'll put in some postcards/samples of work to send to people and tailor it to them. 

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