
Victo Ngai Talk

It was so exciting to have Victo Ngai come into our studio and talk to us! I love the amount of detail in her work and the beautiful, harmonious colours. One thing I picked up on, as somebody else did and asked about, is her choice of colours for the lines. Almost every time I create a picture I forget that black isn't the only option! I think varying the colour of the line helps show which is the most important part of the picture and focuses the viewers attention. This is pretty basic stuff, but it's good to go back to basics every now and again!
Victo spoke about her work in editorial and explained how quickly you have to resolve a brief - sometimes you only get a day! Something really valuable she said was that you have to kind of step back from an article sometimes and work out what it's trying to communicate overall so you don't get stuck trying to illustrate it too literally. I've always shied away from editorial because I struggle to do this, but I suppose it's similar to the printed pictures project last year. Sometimes you have to select simple motifs, whether they are tangible or intangible and start there. 
I think we've been told all of this stuff before, but it was definitely refreshing and inspiring to go back to it.I feel like my work is lacking something recently, so I'm excited to push myself more.

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