
Start Up Wednesdays: Blogs

During this session we learnt about how to create an effective blog with audience engagement.
Key points:

  • If you make a sponsored post then the type of link you put in must be a non-follow link 
  • Affiliations should always be disclosed
  • Consider what kind of blog you want - personal, commercial etc
  • Identify things you're interested in and base your 'brand' around them - be authentic. (Content Strategy)
  • Websites like Wordpress have a lot of plug-ins to help with audience/SEO. Blogger is a good alternative if you don't like that. 
  • Caption images so that google image search can pick them up
  • Familiarise yourself with Google guidelines, analytics & webmaster tools
Although I actually took less notes than normal in this session, i actually found it the most engaging. I'm really interested in setting up a blog so that I can post about my practice as well as other things that interest me (like makeup, scented candles, cute home decor etc!). I already kind of microblog on my Instagram so it seems like a natural progression to make a proper web blog. 

We've been told to make separate profiles for our practice and our personal stuff, but I actually don't think I'm going to do this. I think part of my practice is about my personality and interests, so it would be silly to completely separate the two. I do understand however, that the kind of content I post has to be appropriate for my audience (but I'm really not the type to overshare anyway!). Overall really interesting session & I'm excited about setting up a blog asap. 

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