
Thought Bubble Zine

Here's the final printout of my zine for the college table at Thought Bubble this weekend! Considering I put this together a little bit last-minute (we've had the whole summer to do it..ooops), I'm pretty happy with it. I would have preferred to use a slightly thicker stock and maybe a coloured cover, but since zines are meant to be kind of lo-fi anyway, I figured that's something I can change in the future.

As far as I'm aware, we don't get any money from the sales of these zines and I'm not sure where the money is actually going..? Nor do I know how much they'll be sold for. I printed a few extra to put up on my Etsy and I'll be selling them for about £1.50 since they're super cheap to produce and it's not that many pages.

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