
Business Cards

Since I've booked a slot in the print room tomorrow, I thought it would be a good opportunity to get some new business cards printed. As I'm constantly playing with new processes, I grow tired of my old work pretty quickly so I think I need to re-think my visual identity/promo pack. 

As I still haven't had any emails back from people, I'm going to have to send some physical stuff out so there isn't a better time to do this!



I thought of another place I think my work could fit! I had a look all over the Paperchase website for some way of contacting them but all I could find was email addresses for submissions.. so I just emailed that anyway to ask for advice on the kind of stuff they look for. If I don't get a reply then I'll just send something I've produced in Extended Practice!
It's probably not really worth contacting these big companies because I'm sure they get so many emails/submissions, but there's still a small chance that they';; direct me to something important!

Ohh Dear

I've just been having a browse on Ohh Dear and I realised this is the kind of stuff I want to make! I think my practice is starting to take shape and head this way so it's nice to remind myself that it's possible to do it and there is definitely a market for it. I have no idea how to get my work onto online shops like this though, so I decided to email them and ask for some advice. Since there wasn't a specific person's email available, I've just sent it to the general submissions address.. so hopefully someone picks it up and responds. There is also a postal address though, so I could always just send some physical work samples over? 

Shoot, I've just noticed a spelling mistake.. oops.

Print Fair Plans

I'm itching to get out there and do some print fairs this year! Unfortunately it looks like I've just missed a bunch as they seem to take place around Sept - Nov.. I can't find any info on upcoming ones but I'll keep looking!

Workshop 18th Jan

What I've done so far:

  1. Attended & document Start Up Wednesdays sessions
  2. Make myself a website & online presence 
  3. Identified practitioners or areas of illustration I am interested in
  4. Taken part in an art market and distributed business cards at places like Thought Bubble
  5. Identified or contacted practitioners relevant to the development of my practice
  6. Used consistent branding across my promotional material
What I need to do before the end of the programme:
  1. Visit a studio or get relevant work experience
  2. Produce another promo pack to send out
  3. Have a printed portfolio
  4. Have more confidence in my work
  5. Get a job
What I aim to have achieved (1st year out)
  1. Travel to Japan to explore opportunities over there
  2. Take part in conventions
  3. Have a comfortable, inspiring studio space 
  4. Visit the Studio Ghibli museum
  5. Have a following
  6. Have a few freelance jobs under my belt
What I am to have achieved (5 years from now)
  1. Be able to fully support myself
  2. Live in another country for a year
  3. Learn a new language
  4. Have a good client list
  5. Have a my own 'brand' that I am confident describes me
In the next two weeks I need to:
  1. Contact Hallmark about a placement  done!
  2. Research other card companies to contact
  3. Upload new work onto my website
  4. Book print slot
  5. Re-design business cards/postcards/promo pack
  6. Start looking at expenses for trip to Japan and relevant studios/agencies over there

Hallmark Creative

I finally emailed Hallmark! I really do hope they get back to me, I feel like I could learn so much there - especially since one of my current briefs in Extended Practice is based around giftware!
I sent a few samples of work I thought was relevant but also showed the diversity of my skills. I find it hard to have confidence in my work, so I'm just trying to trust that I know what I'm doing (sort of).


Week Plan 18th Jan

I constantly have to-do lists on the go, but I rarely ever document them and occasionally they get lost. So this week the things I want to get done are:

  1. Email 5 more practitioners (or studios) I'm interested in
  2. Scan/upload new artwork ready for online
  3. Create new business/postcard designs and book print slot
  4. Research/update showreels/galleries for website to showcase my work better

Progress review so far

Of late, I feel as though I have definitely neglected this module due to deadlines/pressures elsewhere, so this week I'm going to try and get back on track and I'm eager to get in touch with some more people!
So far I've reached out to a couple of illustrators but heard nothing back, so I'm going to email them again in hopes that they just didn't see it the first time. I also want to reach out to Hallmark this week. I made a post about it previously but I wanted to have both my website up and running and more gift-ware related work to show. Now I just need to stop procrastinating and do it.

I think at the beginning of this module I had a good momentum, so this week I'm just going to be getting back on track by contacting some more people and updating my website with some more recent work.