
Studio Brief 2: Life's A Pitch

What is the idea/concept for your groups proposal?
Student based art fair/convention, completely curated by students. Would include live drawing collaboration space, small showcase space (gallery type area), tables for stalls/students work.

What service do you propose to provide?

  • A platform for other creatives our age, to have the opportunity to show the public and peers their work
  • Local networking
  • Seminars/demonstrations from established professionals or peers
  • An opportunity to buy/sell artwork or do trades
Who will benefit/make use of your services? 
  • Creative students from the area/surrounding institutions
  • Leeds/the local creative community
  • Local businesses looking for fresh talent
  • Any creative practitioner who attends - they will have to opportunity to show off their work, talk to possible clients, arrange collaborations
  • Venue
What are the aims of your proposal?
  • Bring together local creatives - especially ones our age
  • Create discussion around what is illustration?
  • Break down the boundary between professional practitioners and students eager to establish their own practice
  • Showcase the talent in the local creative community 
  • Promote conversation about design, illustration etc
What are the expected outcomes of your proposal?
  • Hold a convention
  • Have people visit 
  • Arrange for a practitioner to give a talk or demonstration
  • Get other students involved (setting up their own tables etc)
  • Make money
How will you measure your success?
  • Footfall - if people actually show up for the experience
  • Media coverage - any tags on instagram, twitter etc?
  • Feedback - did people actually enjoy the convention and the services we provided?
  • Profit - breaking even would be good too, we don't want to loose money on this
  • Did we enjoy ourselves?
What problems can you foresee?
  • Funding for venue cost, insurance etc
  • Advertising - will have to be substantial to get the right amount of footfall 
  • Organising crew/volunteers - it will be hard to maintain the whole event by ourselves
  • Food/drink services - are there any health and safety things we need to check out first?

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