
Time Management

 During one of the sessions, we were asked to write a list of the things we thought we spent our time doing. The list was divided into three categories; academic, social and domestic. 
After the session we were asked to keep adding to the list because it's hard to recall or anticipate the things life throws at you.

Recording of what I did over three days: 

I found this useful because although it doesn't look like I do a lot in a day, it brought to my attention the amount of time every-day activities take, e.g. cooking and cleaning. 
The last part of this task was to produce a timetable for myself for the next week. However, I found this really hard because on the second day, I found that I already hadn't stuck to it - but I feel that I used my time more wisely anyway.
I think the main point of these activities was to acknowledge that necessary tasks and having a social life are important to keep you functioning properly. It is difficult to find balance between domestic, academic and social activities and it's something that I continuously worry about. However, by just acknowledging that I do actually need 'down time' from work, I feel less stressed and actually found myself being more efficient when I sit down to do work. 

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