
The Illusionist

Whilst looking for something to watch, I stumbled upon this beautifully animated film. My practice doesn't particularly revolve around character and sequential images (even though my current sketchbook is full of characters..?) but I just love the way the characters tell the story in this. There isn't very much dialogue so you get the jist of what the characters are feeling by their body language and expressions. I'm not saying that this is specific to this film, I just noticed it more because of the lack of dialogue. The way the characters are drawn gives them a real sense of personality, which I feel a lot of my character based work lacks. I think it's the detail and the exaggeration in the movement of the characters that make it feel so real. The scenes/environments are also beautifully drawn and gives a real sense of space.
It's been a while since I watched something really beautiful, so I had to share. I'm no animator (in fact I really hate doing it), but I can appreciate how much study of the human body/it's movement has been put into this - which is also needed for illustration, to be able to capture movement in a single frame.
Over summer I've been doing a lot of anatomy studies and I'm keen to go to life drawing classes once term starts again. Hopefully this will help me improve on my character work!

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