
Updating my visual identity

 I'm probably jumping the gun on this a little, but I thought I ought to start considering my visual identity. Because of all the things I've been trying in my sketchbook over summer, I just feel like the stuff I produced in level 5 (here) is a bit old and doesn't really reflect my practice at the moment (even though it's only been around 3 months?!) As I've been playing with brush lettering recently I thought it would be fitting to try out my name.

Getting the letters to look right took a few practices - for some reason I couldn't figure out how to make the 'S' look good and ended up trying a couple of different brushes to get the right stroke. I added the colour afterwards in Photoshop because I'm indecisive and I'll probably change it at some point. 

I couldn't resist mocking up a business card with it on. At the end of year show, I saw a couple of people's business cards that had coloured edges and I thought they looked pretty cool. I'll have to find out where I can get this done for myself. In retrospect, I don't think my old business cards looked very professional - they were pretty I guess, but I think I've moved on from that.

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