
Study Task 6 - What is Illustration For?

  • What is illustration?

  1. "    1.
    a picture illustrating a book, newspaper, etc.
    "an illustration of a yacht"

  2.       2.
    the action or fact of illustrating something.
    "by way of illustration, I refer to the following case"     "

To an extent, I agree with those definitions. However my understanding of illustration is much more broad than that. I see illustration as a way of visually communicating a concept or instruction using whatever tools necessarily. This could mean pen and paper, lens, collage etc.

  • What is illustration for? What is it's function?

Illustration is a tool to communicate a message or concept. The illustration itself can dictate how that message is perceived using a tone of voice created by line, shape, colour and media. For example,  a funny comic might use simple thick lines, block shapes and limited colour to create a particular, humorous tone of voice. Whereas an action comic might have lots of detailed, directional lines to create the atmosphere of the story.

  • Where do you find illustration? In what context does it exist?
  1. Books, magazines
  2. Advertising
  3. Packaging
  4. Product design
  5. Character design
  6. Patterns, wrapping papers, wallpapers
Some examples I found of illustration just around my home:

I noted that aside from books, packaging was the most common place I saw illustration around the house. It's purpose it definitely to make the product look more appealing to consumers.

  • Who are the specific audiences for illustration?
  1. The audience is dictated by what the product, book or magazine is aimed at. This could be either children, business men, teens or specific sub cultures. 

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