
OUIL404 Visual Language Module Evaluation

Throughout the Visual Language module I have developed different methods of creating work both analogue and digitally. For example, the transportation task, is when I discovered how much I like working digitally and using programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop. This discovery has influenced my work in other modules and I feel as though the over all quality of my work has improved. 

I found all the work we did on composition, line of sight and even different types of line extremely beneficial. I now employ texture into a lot of my work, consider how different lines can affect an illustrations tone of voice and how changing the composition of an image can make it more engaging. 

I think the strength in the body of work I have produced for Visual Language is that I can clearly see my own development and the way I approached the set tasks gradually changing. For example, towards the end of the module I started to enjoy the work much more because I was giving myself a subject I was interested in and learning about the process I personally use to develop images.
I can also see that the work I have been producing in this module is having an affect on the work I produce for other modules. At the beginning of the module I didn't give much thought to line, colour value, composition, line of sight etc in any other work outside of Visual Language. Now however, I have got into the habit of thumb nailing/drafting images out until I think I have a better result.   I definitely understand myself more as an illustrator and which processes work best for me. 

I think a key area for development for me is my technical drawing skill, which is just down to practice. I want to focus on drawing human anatomy more precisely, especially hands in different positions. This can be addressed by doing my exhaustive drawings in my sketchbooks. I also want to be able to draw as easily digitally as I do with a pencil - again, this is down to practice and will be something I develop in the long term. I need to be more exhaustive all together with my drawings and I have definitely improved on this since the beginning of the year. I do however, think this will be a constant goal of mine - to draw as much as I can and to understand how I translate information into an image.
From looking at other illustrators work and learning about elements such as composition, I've definitely become more critical of others work rather than looking at it in awe of their technical ability. I think the most important thing I have learnt is that good illustration doesn't happen by accident, it takes informed opinion, consideration and graft. 

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