
Summary of Previous Year

5 Things I learnt that are still relevant

  • Still playing with process however still combining analogue and digital methods with texture
  • Interested in packaging design, repeat pattern and character
  • Drawing repetitively is an important part of my practise 
  • It is important to look at contextual illustration and to form an opinion on it
  • Make time for things other than drawing - that isn't the only part of my practice

5 Things I want to know more about
  • Where do I fit in in the creative industry?
  • Which specific kind of illustration does my practice fit into/what am I best suited for?
  • How will my work translate onto other processes such as screen printing?
  • What do I have to say about the world and how will I use illustration to say it?
  • Illustration business proposals - how do I go about the business side of my practice?
5 Strengths
  • I am dedicated to my practice and am good at sitting down everyday to do a little bit of drawing
  • I have become quite articulate and able to talk about illustrations - e.g my opinions/why I like/dislike a piece
  • I think I'm quite good at giving others constructive feedback, which in turn turns my attention to specific points about my own work
  • Good at project planning/time management - major stress-head so I plan everything down to a tee
5 Things I want to define/improve on
  • Process - continue practising with brush pen - still not happy with quality of my lines
  • Figure drawing - need to go to some life-drawing sessions to get in some more practise
  • Perhaps look at doing some collaborations and working my practice in with someone else's
  • Finished quality of final work - even if it means re-drawing something I'm 99% happy with
  • Make the most of the printing facilities - including screen printing and digital
5 Examples of illustration that define my interests
Illustration for packaging - especially cosmetic packaging

Illustration & animation - creating characters etc

Illustration for products - not just packaging

Children's story book illustrations 
Illustration installations - bringing characters to life and creating an illustrated environment (it was hard to find a picture to describe this).

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