


I really love the use of analogue and digital drawing in Feppa's work. I think that leaving all the sketch /structure lines underneath the colour gives it a really nice hand drawn aesthetic. I really like the colour palettes used in each piece too - fairly muted/broken colours that all harmonise with one another and create a relaxed and warm feel. 
Another element I like about Feppa's work is the strong composition of each piece. In every image, the whole frame has been used which creates a sense of narrative and - especially in the fourth image - gives the feeling that the picture is from your perspective.

David Foldvari

My favourite thing about Foldvari's work is the mininal use of colour and the textures. It is hard to tell whether or not these have been produced digitally, but they definitely have an analogue quality to them which I like. 
Although I don't quite understand what he is trying to say with each image, I can still see that they convey an opinion and have a tone of voice. Especially in the illustrations of politicians, you begin to get a feel for his views of the world. 
I think that the combination of the textures and dark detailed lines give some of his work quite a scary, confronting quality. 


Rudy Fig

What I like most about Rudy Fig's work is the combination of colours she uses. I love the soft, pastel tones with the bold outlines and the occasional much brighter colours. All of Rudy's characters connote a very childish, feminine - almost nostgalic feeling. The colours and clothes she paints remind me of sweets, cakes and childish innocence. The characters themselves all resemble young women, which contrasts with the childish innocence connoted. This has left me thinking: when do we leave childish things behind? Why not bring them with us into adulthood? When did society agree that I had to 'grow up'?
There are elements within Rudy's work that I will strive to incorporate into my own. Next time I draw a character based drawing, I will ask myself what I want to say with this character and how.