
Gemma Flack [Thought Bubble Zine Research]

 Even though we were briefed about the Thought Bubble zine ages ago, I still haven't really made a start on it. I have plenty of drawings that I could potentially use, but I didn't want it to look like I'd actually just thrown a bunch of stuff together and called it a zine.

Gemma Flack is one of my favorite practitioners at the moment because her work is super girly (like mine tends to be..) but still has that tough/edgy tone. 
I've been really stuck for ideas for the content of my zine, which is probably because I've been drastically over thinking it. I really like the idea of just making a bunch of characters up, like in her Imaginary Girl Bands.

If our brief didn't state otherwise, I would definitely use a pink colour palette like hers! Since ours needs to be black & white/photocopied, I think I'll just use pink paper.

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