
OUIL402 End of Module Evaluation

Throughout PPP I have explored a number of things that influence my practice. It has taught me to take into consideration everyday activities that affect time management and how important it is to be disciplined with my planning.
To tackle my time management, I began using a diary. However that was quickly forgotten about and I found it much easier to have things written on a calender where I could clearly see all the impending deadlines. This module has also forced my to reflect on how life-changing experiences will affect my practice. For example, moving out and living independently for the first time, trying to juggle uni work with house work, alone time, socializing and necessary things such as eating and sleeping. This kind of reflection made me realise what an anxious person I am and that I too often feel guilty about not doing work during every free minute I have.

Looking at other practitioners work and staying informed on the creative industry is another important thing I've learnt to do. Sometimes I definitely neglected this which I regret, but now that the work load has been vastly offloaded, I feel more inclined to discover other illustrators' work or find inspiration elsewhere.
When I have been researching other practitioners, my work has visibly improved. It encouraged me to try different processes and I am now finding production methods that I am happy working with.

Another thing that has benefited my practice is making sure that there has been some kind of synthesis between all of the modules we have worked on. For example, I made sure I was taking note of things I learnt in Visual Language and employing them elsewhere. Likewise, I was making sure that the practitioners work that I was looking at for PPP tasks was helping me form opinions on different processes and helping me define my tone of voice.

I realise that my practice will continue evolving as long as I continue to produce work but I can say with confidence that I like the work I am producing now. This was an issue for me throughout the year - perhaps I was overly critical of my own work, but it pushed me to explore line, texture and try out colour palettes that I wasn't used to. From what I have researched and explored thus far, I want to continue exploring character design, repeat pattern and improving my digital skills.

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