
Creative Practice - What Next?

What are your goals? 

Short term:

  • To produce work that I am proud of  - I don't feel that I've done this for any work so far, so it's really important to me that I improve. 
  • Be more disciplined with my schedule for work - stay behind at uni more often so it doesn't eat into my personal time and leave me feeling exhausted all the time.
  • Be more exhaustive with my drawing - draw things over and over again until I am really satisfied with how something looks
  • Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator and get comfortable with creating work with it.
Long term:

  • Be more aware of other creative practitioners and keep up to date with other people's work. 
  • Have a good career in the creative industry - even if it's not necessarily illustration, I am open to new practices or returning to old ones (photography). 
What are your expectations?

  • To pass this degree knowing that I tried my hardest to get whatever grade I come out with
  • To experiment with other practices and bring them into my work (collage, photography, installation etc)
  • To be proud of my work
How will you achieve this?

  • Be exhaustive with my drawing
  • Look for influences outside of illustration - let my favorite films, tv-shows, animations, music and even food inform my work.
  • Try not to be afraid of failure - Avoid working in pencil so I can't rub mistakes out, just embrace them instead
  • Learn about the world around me. Read things and see new places.
How will you judge your successes?
  • Compare work from today with work from last year
  • Compare what my life is like now with how it was a year ago
  • Ask myself if I am happy with what I am doing and if it makes me proud
What will you do when it goes wrong?
  • Try not to dwell and keep moving forward

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